Contact Us


​Email address
Compliance audits and investigations
Land tax​
Lodgement of returns
Payment arrangements (pay by instalments)
Payment by EFT
Payroll tax
Rates remission

First Home Owne​r Grant​​
Insurance duty
Motor vehicle duty
Property transfer duty
​Tasmanian Revenue Online ​(TRO) acces​s

(03) 6166 4400

1800 001 388 (for Tas-based callers outside the 62 area)​

National Relay Service 

If you are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment, you can contact us through the National Relay Service:

  • TTY users phone 133 677 then ask for (03) 6166 4400
  • Speak and Listen users phone 1300 555 727 then ask for (03) 6166 4400
  • Internet relay users connect to the National Relay Service then ask for (03) 6166 4400

Further information on the National Relay Service

Commissioner of State Revenue​
GPO Box 1374   
HOBART Tas 7001

​Fax number
Audits an​d Investigations, Legislative Review
(03) 6173 0217
Revenue Operations - E​FTs, Notices and Payments
(03) 6173 0217​​

Lodge your documents (addressed to the State Revenue Office) in the Document Drop Box, 

Ground Floor, Salamanca Building, 4 Salamanca Place, Hobart. 

 Email your feedback using our online ​Feedback form​.


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