HomeBuilder Grants

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Deadline for submission of all documents

​All documents relating to the payment of your HomeBuilder Grant application must be submitted to the State Revenue Office by 30 June 2025. Where documents are not received by this date, you will no longer be able to claim payment.

How to apply for payment

To ​​apply for the payment of the grant you will need:
  • ​your letter of co​nditi​​onal approval from the SRO which shows the account number and name.
  • other relevant do​cuments referred to in your letter of conditional approval.
  • to submit the online payment application or go to sro.tas.gov.au/hbgrant.​

Tasmanian HomeB​​uilder Grant

  • ​​​​Applications closed on 14 April 2021.​
  • The Tasmanian Government extended its existing $20 000 HomeBuilder Grant by three months from 1 January 2021 to 31 March 2021 for owner-occupiers of eligible new home builds. ​
  • The Grant was ​avai​lable to ​owner-​occupiers for eligible new home builds where the contract was signed between 4 June 2020 and 31 March 2021 inclusive. The grant was not available for the substantial renovation of your existing home.  However, it was available for the demolition and building of a new home under the new home limb rather than the substantial renovation limb.​​​ ​

​Extended period to commence construction - refer to the timeline below
Applicants had 18 months from the date of their signed contract to commence construction (previously the period was three months).

Commonwealth HomeBuilde​r Grant

  • ​​Applications closed on 14 April 2021.​
  • $25 000 Commonwealth HomeBuilder Grant was available for eligible owner-occupiers (including first home buyers) building a new home, or substantially reno​vating an existing home, where the contract was signed between 4 June 2020 and 31 December 2020 (inclusive).
  • ​​​$15 000 Commonwealth HomeBuilder was available for eligible owner-occupiers (including first home buyers) building a new home, or substantially reno​​vating an existing home, where the contract was signed  between 1 January 2021 and 31 March 2021 (inclusive).

​Extended period to commence construction - refer to the timeline above.
​Applicants has 18 months for the date of their signed contract to commence construction (previously the period was three months).

​Extensions to construction completion timeframe

In some circumstances the Commissioner would exercise discretion to extend the timeframe for completion of an eligible transaction. Refer to the HomeBuilder G​​rants Commissioner's ​ discretion guideline for more information.


​Refer to the HomeBuilder Grant G​​uideline (now a point of reference document only).

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