Land Tax

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Land tax is an annual tax payable by the owner of land that has been classified as General Land​ as at 1 July each year. Properties that are taxable include vacant land, commercial properties, rental properties and shacks. 

Foreign investors who purchase land on or after 1 July 2022 may be subject to a surcharge on general land.​​

Land classified as Principal Residence L​​​and​ is not subject to the foreign investor land tax surcharge.​

Explains when companies are grouped for the purpose of land tax.

Request to receive future land tax notices by email
Check if you are eligible for an exemption, rebate or concession on your land tax​.

​Learn about the foreign investor land tax surcharge (FILTS).​

Types of land classifications and what to do if your land classification change​s.​​​ 

Calculate your land tax. ​
Explains the land tax search and ​why is it required.

 Payment options to pay your land tax account.

View the rates of land tax​.

​Use the SMS messaging service to remind you if your land tax account is not paid.


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