Two residences owned in transitional circumstances rebate
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Landowners who, at 30 June, have purchased a new principal residence but have not yet sold their current principal residence, may apply for a rebate (a transitional rebate) on their land tax.
Landowners may apply for the transitional rebate where all of the following conditions are met:
- at least 50 per cent of the new principal residence must be owned by the same owner(s) and it must have been purchased on or after 1 April; and
- either property must have been transferred to a new owner prior to 1 October, meaning the new owner must have taken possession of the land; and
- neither residence must have been rented out or used to make income during the transitional period when both were owned; and
- no land tax apportionment (on the sold property) must have occurred between the vendor and the purchaser; and
- an application for rebate must be lodged with us no later than three months after 30 June of the next year.
How to apply
To apply for the land tax rebate: