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Tasmanian-based foreign developers may apply for a reassessment and refund of the Foreign Investor Land Tax Surcharge under certain conditions.
Tasmanian-based foreign developers
A 'Tasmanian-based foreign developer' is a foreign person who operates a business:
- that acquires land in Tasmania with the aim of developing the land;
- with at least 80 per cent of the wages of management and administration staff of the business being taxable wages within the meaning of Section 3 of the Payroll Tax Act 2008 in that year; and
- in Tasmania for the majority of its business hours in that year.
Eligibility requirements
The developer or their business must have:
- been issued with occupancy permits for at least 50 dwellings in that financial year that meet the following criteria:
a) the dwelling is situated on land, within Tasmania, which was acquired by the foreign developer after 1 July 2022;
b) laying of foundations (or building commencement in the absence of foundations) occurred on or after 1 July 2022; and
c) the occupancy permit was issued within three (3) years of the developer acquiring the land;
- paid (or be liable for) FILTS in respect of the land on which one or more of the newly constructed dwellings are situated; and
- complied with all of the requirements of the Australian Government's Foreign Investment Review Board.
How to apply
Email us your request for a reassessment. Set out your circumstances and attach copies of the Occupancy Permits.