Multiple property calculator
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Estimate Land Tax and/or the Foreign Investor Land Tax Surcharge (FILTS).
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How to use the MULTIPLE property calculator
You will need the properties' total Assessed Land Value (ALV).
Calculations up to and including 30 June 2022
- To estimate Land Tax - steps 1 to 4.
Calculations from 1 July 2022
- To estimate Land Tax only - steps 1 to 2.
- To estimate Land Tax and FILTS - steps 1 to 7.
- To estimate Land Tax and/or FILTS - if the percentage of foreign ownership varies between properties,
calculate each property separately, steps 3 to 7.
Land Tax on multiple properties can only be calculated on the total assessed land value of those properties.
It is not calculated by adding together the tax payable on each individual property. This is provided for under
Section 24 of the Land Tax Act 2000. Calculations are estimates only. Refer to the disclaimer and copyright notice
governing the information we provide.