
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Any employer, whether in Tasmania or elsewhere, who pays wages to employees in Tasmania, and whose total wages paid in Australia are greater than $1.25 million per annum (or $24 038.00 per week during a month), is liable for payroll tax on wages paid in Tasmania.

​Any employer paying wages in Tasmania who is a member of a group where the total Australian wages of the group exceed $1.25 million per annum (or $24 038 per week during a month), is also liable. All Tasmanian wage paying group members must register.

Refer to the Employer's Gui​​de to Payroll Tax for additional information.

Online payroll tax registration

To lodge payroll tax returns and make payments online via Tasmanian Revenue Online (TRO), you will need to:

    TRO is a web-based system that allows users to:

  • lodge and amend monthly and annual returns;
  • receive electronic assessment notices and communication from us; and
  • make payments.

   Before completing the online registration process, it is recommended that you have the following information:

    General information:

  • ABN / ACN
  • Trading names
  • Registered association number
  • Contact details
  • Bank account details
  • Company grouping details
  • Salaries and wages information

    Specific information:

  • Company – copy of the company extract
  • Trust – copy of the trust deed, Managing Trustee details
  • Partnership – copy of the partnership agreement, Managing Partner details
  • Association – copy of memorandum of association
  • Joint Venture – copy of the joint venture agreement, Liable Joint Venturer details​

Reinstate your registration

To reinstate your cancelled registration using Tasmanian Revenue Online, you will need either your previous account number or the banking details you previously had registered on your account. ​​

If you are unable to find your account number, contact us​

Cancel your registration

Before cancelling your registration in Tasmanian Revenue Online​​, you will need to:​

  • lodge any unlodged returns and settle any liabilities; and
  • advise the date wages were last paid in Tasmania.​​​​

Payroll tax
Nexus provisions​​


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