Gifts and inheritances


Duty is chargeable when an interest in land is acquired, even when it is a gift.

​Generally duty will be calculated based on the unencumbered value of the property as at the date of the transaction.

Duty is generally calculated on the capital value of the property at the date of the dutiable transaction (multiplied by the relevant land adjustment factor provided by the Office of the Valuer-General).

Land values and valuation adjustment factors are available from the Land Information System Tasmania (LIST).​​ There is a charge associated with these searches.​


A duty concession or exemption may be available where property passes to the beneficiary of a deceased estate.

​Use our calculator to work out how much duty you will need to pay.

How to lodge​​

​​ ​​​

To submit by mail, you will need:

  • A copy of the original Transfer instrument
  • A copy of the agreement for sale (if applicable).​ ​

​To submit via Tasmanian Revenue Online, you will need:

  • A copy of the original Transfer instrument
  • A copy of the agreement for sale (if applicable).​​

To apply for a duty concession or exemption you must:

Additional information

For additional information, refer to:

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