Electronic conveyancing

​​​​​​​Electronic conveyancing of land will go live for Tasmania in February 2025. It is already operating in the other Australian States and the ACT.
Electronic conveyancing is a digital option for:
  • creating and executing land transfers;
  • payment of duty;
  • completing financial settlements; and
  • lodging land transfers with the Land Titles Office.

Tasmanian Revenue Online (TRO) will be upgraded for electronic conveyancing and be available only to TRO Agents registered with Property Exchange ​​Australia (PEXA).

EXA is the approved Ele​ctronic Lodgement Network Operator for Tasmania and elsewhere in Australia.

Both the transferor and transferee representatives must be PEXA subscribers to use electronic conveyancing.

  • Each representative completes their part in PEXA.
  • The information exports from PEXA to TRO.
  • The transferee's rep. completes necessary steps in TRO.
  • A duty estimate is generated.
  • If needed, submit the transaction to the State Revenue Office (SRO) with all evidence at least 15 business days before settlement.
  • The transferee's rep. initiates a duty verification in PEXA.
  • The duty estimate is included in the financial settlement.
  • At settlement, the duty is paid to the SRO and a verification number is assigned.
  • The transfer is lodged electronically with the Land Titles Office.
  • Once received by the Recorder of Titles, the duty verification number is considered an endorsement.​​

Electronic conveyancing is not mandatory

Electronic conveyancing through TRO is NOT mandatory. In practice it's another option for parties transferring land in Tasmania.

​Paper-based transfers

Paper-based transfers of land will still be available after the introduction of electronic conveyancing and will continue to be processed post settlement using current practice.

​Guidance for TRO Agents and users​

TRO Agents

Before February 2025, the SRO will send TRO Agents updated Conditions of Approval.

TRO Agents and users

The SRO will provide electronic conveyancing help files, factsheets, and training materials. They will also be posted to the Training resources section below.

​Training resources

​Coming soon.​

Email subscription service

If you're not already registered, we recommend subscribing to the SRO's email service for all updates about electronic conveyancing. Go to Subscribe and select the 'Property Transfer Duties' option. 

Legislative reference

Section 244 of the Duties Act 2001 allows for the estimation of duty for electronic land transfers prior to settlement.

Additional information


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