Electronic conveyancing - update 30 January 2025

Tasmanian Revenue Online (TRO) functionality​

This update relates to functionality that will be visible in TRO from 30 January 2025 .

Functionality for electronic conveyancing of land will be visible in TRO from 30 January 2025 (further information will be provided on the actual go-live date).

Please DO NOT use this functionality until the State Revenue Office (SRO) advises that it is live and ready to use.

Electronic conveyancing is visible in TRO as a select number of users will be trialling the system prior to the official go live date (to be announced).​

Once this functionality is live, TRO Agents who are also PEXA subscribers will have the option of electronically creating and executing land transfers, paying duty, completing financial settlements and lodging land transfers with the Land Titles Office.

Electronic land transfers will be rolled out in stages.

The following land transfers are currently unavailable for electronic conveyancing and will need to be completed via the current paper process:
  • transfers of part interests in land;
  • transfers involving trusts (either transferor or transferee);
  • transfers where a concession or exemption is being claimed; and
  • transfers where the Crown is the transferee.​​​

New Terminology

  • ELNO - Electronic Lodgement Network Operator.
  • PEXA - Property Exchange Australia (PEXA) is the approved ELNO in Tasmania.
  • PEXA Subscriber - a practitioner who has subscribed to use the PEXA system.
  • EL - Electronic Lodgement.
  • Estimation of duty - an estimation, generated by TRO prior to settlement, of the duty that would be payable under the Duties Act 2001 in relation to the proposed conveyancing transaction. An estimation of duty can be carried out by TRO Agents (who are also PEXA subscribers) or by the SRO prior to settlement. Once an executed electronic conveyancing document that contains a verification number is received from an ELNO by the Recorder of Titles, the document is taken to have been endorsed.
  • Verification number - means a unique identifying number, generated by TRO, once an estimation of duty has been generated.
  • Earliest Settlement Date - the earliest date a transaction can settle when lodged with the SRO for estimation. This date can change and is subject to all of the required documentation being provided to the SRO.​​​

How does electronic conveyancing work?

See the “Electronic Conveyancing Duties Process" information page and the “Key Differences in Duty Calculation and Payment Timing​" information page.

How do I access the new EL functionality?

To enable the EL functionality, you will need to update your registration via TRO by:

  • selecting Update Registration;
  • entering your PEXA Subscriber ID in the field provided; and
  • selecting Update.

What are the new TRO features and how do they work?

Summary tab new features

The new features to this tab are:

  • the EL ready for settlement expander - which shows all EL transactions that have been estimated by either your firm or by the SRO.

    These transactions are displayed in settlement date and time order.

    Once payment has been received by the SRO, the transaction will move to the “Endorsed / Assessed" expander found under the Electronic Lodgements expander on the Duties transaction tab.
  • ​the Unread communications expander - which contains all unread communications relating to both EL and paper transactions.

Duty transaction tab


The Duty transactions tab has now been divided into two expanders:

  • Electronic Lodgement; and
  • Paper Lodgements.

There are also three new buttons at the top of this tab:

  • New paper duty transaction" button - which creates a new paper duty transaction;
  • Transferor transaction certificate" button - which creates a transferor transaction certificate that can be used for both EL and paper transactions; and
  • Full transaction certificate" button - which creates a full transaction certificate that can be used in EL or paper transactions.

Electronic Lodgements Expander

Transactions initiated in PEXA will appear under Electronic Lodgements.


The Draft lodgements expander contains the shell transactions that have been received from PEXA which have not yet been estimated (by a TRO Agent or the SRO).

If a transaction has been estimated and subsequently reverts to draft due to a change in the information contained within the transaction, the transaction will revert to this expander ready for re-estimation or re-submission to the SRO.

The Submitted to SRO expander contains the transactions that have been submitted to the SRO for estimation. The SRO will endeavour to estimate transaction within 15 business days of the date of submission to the SRO. Please ensure that all necessary supporting documentation is  attached to the transaction and submitted at the time of the initial lodgement. Failure to do so may result delays to the estimation and settlement.

After a transaction has been estimated, the transaction moves to the EL ready for settlement expander of the Summary tab.

Once settlement has occurred and payment has been received by the SRO, the transactions move to the Endorsed / Assessed expander.

The Unread communication expander under Electronic Lodgements displays unread communications for EL transactions only.

Paper Lodgements Expander

There have been no changes to the functionality within the Paper Lodgements expander.


Locking of estimated EL transactions in TRO 1 hour prior to settlement


One hour prior to settlement, the EL will be locked for further amendment in TRO.

Transactions which are locked will display the date and time of settlement together with the status of “Locked - settlement is imminent" in the EL ready for settlement expander under the Summary tab.

If your transaction has locked in TRO and you need to make changes, you will need to extend the settlement date in PEXA and perform a new verification. 

When can I estimate a transaction?

EL transactions can be estimated once all of the mandatory data has been entered into TRO.

Unlike paper transactions, EL transactions are estimated prior to settlement. If the transaction must be submitted to the SRO for estimation, please ensure you allow enough time. The SRO will endeavour to estimate the transaction within 15 business days from the date of submission providing all of the supporting documentation is provided.

What changes relate to payments?

There will be no changes to the way you make payments for paper transactions (either endorsed by TRO Agent or assessed by the SRO).

Payment of the EL transactions will be made through PEXA at settlement. The funds will need to be made available in the PEXA workspace for disbursement at settlement.

How do I cancel an electronic transaction?

All cancellations of EL's must be made in PEXA, prior to settlement. EL Transactions cannot be cancelled in TRO.​

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