Validation of Land Titles Office dealing numbers in TRO
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To ensure the dealing number is correctly validated:
- Do
not insert spaces or any non-alphanumeric characters.
General law or non-TOLD based dealing (a Land Titles Office (LTO) dealing sticker number) - the dealing number must be formatted as one alphabetic character in the range
A-L, followed by 1 to 6 digits inserted immediately adjacent to each other (no spaces).
Dealings generated in TOLD - the dealing number must be in the format of one alphabetic character in the range
M-Z, followed by 6 digits inserted immediately adjacent to each other (no spaces).
- TOLD dealing number - must refer to a valid dealing generated in the LTO/TOLD system.
A dealing number that relates to more than one transaction
TRO allows for the same dealing number to be used in more than one transaction. This would occur typically where a dealing is transferring a life interest and remainder interest.
The Titles referred to in each transaction need to be identical, and TRO will validate this on submission/endorsement. Where the properties’ Titles are not identical the submission will not be allowed.