Remove a Digital Identity

​​Your Digital Identity is a safe, secure and convenient way to prove and reuse your identity online. myID is the Australian Government Digital Identity app, part of the the Australian Government Digital Identity System.

​1.     Click on your Username in the top right hand corner of the screen as follows:


2.     Click on the Manage Digital Identity option as follows:


3.     All registered Digital Identities are displayed as follows:

4.     Click on the Remove button of the Digital Identity to remove.

5.     A message is displayed to confirm that your Digital Identity will be ​​removed from your TRO account.

6.     Click on the OK button.

7.     Click on your Username in the top right hand corner of the screen.

8.     Click on the Log out option.

9.     The following screen is displayed:

10.  Close your web browser.

11.  Reopen your web browser.

12.  Go to

13.  Click on the Log in button for an existing user.

14.  You will now be able to login to TRO using your username and password only:



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